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This department was established in 1980 as an Under Graduate Department of Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences) of Rajasthan Unani Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur. The main objective of establishing the department was to uplift the educational and research standard among the Undergraduates as well as to pave the ground for the availability of the better qualified teachers, Pharmaceuticals of Unani Medicine. The department is an integrated complex which carries out teaching and multi-disciplinary.

A variety of teaching and learning techniques are employed to impart knowledge and skills to students. The department’s infrastructure is well furnished with many modern facilities.The Department laboratory is well equipped with latest instruments and technologies.Department has established a drug museum along with herbal garden and plant specimens. The main motive for the development of drug museum and herbal garden is to display various Unani drug samples for teaching and authentication of drug samples. The herbal garden also helps to store authenticated specimens of Unani drugs and store all the samples over which research has been conducted at RUMC&H. In future, it is hoped to serve as referral centre for drug authentication

This department is studying on scientific guidelines and authenticity. Thrust Area in Ilmul Advia: Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Standardization of Unani Drugs has been identified by the University.

There is laboratory equipped with sophisticated instruments like Fully Automated Pulverizer. During the last 30 years the department has made significant contribution towards the research work on Unani Medicine as well as for innovation in teaching methodology and production aid material.

Since the establishment of the Department, it has shown a lot of progress academically. The special context of Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Standardization, of Unani drugs. The department regularly conducts seminar and symposium to enhance the communication skills and better understanding of the subject.